Delve into the perilous region of Murkmire during this in-game event and you can earn bonus rewards including style pages, crafting materials, collectibles, and more!
A New Expedition
The Murkmire Celebration kicks off next Thursday, February 20 at 10AM EST, and will run until Tuesday, March 3 at 10AM EST. During the event, you can earn bonus rewards, Event Tickets, and more as you complete activities within the zone.
To participate in the Murkmire Celebration, you must either own the Murkmire DLC game pack or have access via ESO Plus™ membership. If you are planning your first expedition into the southern swamplands, both the Murkmire DLC game pack and the Murkmire Collector’s Edition will be on sale in the Crown Store during the event.
Once you own or have access to Murkmire, you can enter the zone by either starting the main questline from your Collections UI (under Stories and Zone DLC) or by teleporting directly to the city of Lilmoth via your map (the Murkmire zone is on Tamriel’s southern coast).
Unclaimed Treasures
As you explore the region of Murkmire during the event, battle its monsters, and uncover its many hidden treasures, you can earn a ton of unique rewards. This comprises both bonus rewards previously found within the zone and all-new ones introduced solely for this event, including Murkmire Strongboxes.
Murkmire Strongbox
To earn these new reward boxes, simply explore and quest in the zone. Strongboxes will drop after completing activities such as defeating monsters or boss monsters, looting treasure chests, safeboxes, Thieves Troves, Psijic portals or other containers, or even by harvesting Crafting Resource nodes. No matter how you play, you can earn these new boxes!
You can gain Murkmire Strongboxes once per day (with a small chance of grabbing additional ones as drops). These containers house an assortment of new and returning items, including:
- Crafting materials
- Style items
- Set items (from the Murkmire zone overland sets)
- Trinkets you can sell for gold
- Motif chapters
- Wooden Grave-Stake Memento fragments
- Voriplasm Pet fragments