Be inspired by these incredible partner- and community-made cosplays, capturing characters from ESO’s most recent and previous adventures.
LoveThyMonster—Lyranth Foolkiller
We happily partnered with LoveThyMonster, one of our participants for The World Plays ESO, to craft this amazing Lyranth cosplay—ideal for the Blackwood Chapter and larger Gates of Oblivion adventure.
Find more by LoveThyMonster on their Instagram page, and don’t forget to check out their streams during The World Plays ESO!
Vega Cosplay—Mehrunes Dagon
Behold the power and fury of Vega Cosplay’s incredible Mehrunes Dagon costume. This cosplay was also created in partnership between us and Vega, and we’re thrilled (if a little frightened) by the amazing results!
Check out more from Vega Cosplay on their Instagram page.
Leadias Cosplay—Lyris Titanborn
If last year’s Dark Heart of Skyrim storyline was one of your favorites, we’re also delighted to see and share this new Lyris Titanborn costume from Leadias Cosplay.
You can find more from Leadias Cosplay on their Instagram page.
Ewenae—High Elf Hero
The High Elf hero from ESO’s launch and Summerset
Chapter trailers is always a strong (and popular) choice for cosplay, and Ewenae has done a fantastic job capturing her power and mystery.
For even more from Ewenae, visit their Twitter and Instagram pages.
Sumi Cosplay—High Elf Hero
We mentioned the High Elf hero is a popular choice, right? In partnership with our Middle East team, Sumi Cosplay also crafted this stunning High Elf hero costume and photoshoot.
You can discover more from Sumi Cosplay via their Instagram page.
Phew! That’s a lot of amazing ESO cosplays from our partners and community members. If this has inspired you to craft your own costume, or if you have an ESO cosplay you think the rest of the community would love to see, share your story with us via Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook.