The Elder Scrolls Online: Waking Flame and Update 31 will now release on September 8 for consoles. Read more about this change below.
To ensure a smooth and stable launch, we have made the decision to move back the release date of The Elder Scrolls Online: Waking Flame and Update 31 on Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, PlayStation 4, and PlayStation 5 to September 8. By separating our PC/Mac/Stadia and console releases by an additional week, we hope to publish a more stable build, potentially allowing us to include additional fixes before the new content goes live. This change will also help alleviate stress on some of our support teams, allowing us to better focus on each individual release. Note the Waking Flame and Update 31 release dates on PC/Mac/Stadia will remain August 23.
We appreciate your understanding and patience while we work to ensure you get the best experience with each new adventure and update. We’ll see you in Tamriel on September 8!