Prepare to continue your Dark Heart of Skyrim adventure as the team reveals the next release in the year-long saga and upcoming base-game update.

This Thursday, July 9 at 3PM EDT, tune in to for the first live look at the upcoming Q3 DLC release and Update 27. Learn about your next big adventure as a mystery developer guest joins Jessica Folsom and Gina Bruno of the ESO community team to announce and preview the new DLC release, its content and setting, and how it fits into the Dark Heart of Skyrim year-long epic.

There’ll also be Twitch Drops enabled (link your account), and as always the show will also feature the latest news (including PTS information for the new DLC and Update 27), giveaways, and plenty of laughs. If you’re excited to learn about your next big adventure, join us this Thursday, July 9 at 3PM EDT, on Twitch—see you there!