The Elder Scrolls Online: Console Enhanced will now launch June 15.

In an abundance of caution, we are moving the ESO: Console Enhanced launch out a week. We are doing this so we are not launching Update 30 (Blackwood) at the same time as Console Enhanced and can give both our undivided attention. The new date for ESO: Console Enhanced on Xbox Series X|S and PlayStation 5 is now Tuesday, June 15. Blackwood and Update 30 will launch as planned on PC/Mac/Stadia on June 1 and Xbox One and PlayStation 4 systems (and backwards compatibility mode on current-gen consoles) on June 8.

We apologize for the inconvenience, but we want to ensure that everything launches smoothly during this very busy time. Thank you all for the ongoing support, and we look forward to welcoming everyone to Blackwood
next month.