New year, new gear! There’s a bounty of new and returning items for Tamriel’s brigands, bandits, and brawlers coming to the Crown Store this month. Check them out in this latest showcase!
You can view the items currently on sale on the Crown Store page. To purchase these items, you must first acquire Crowns from the Buy Crowns page.
ESO Plus Deals
All ESO Plus™ members have access to a monthly selection of exclusive deals and items. You can find more information about them in this article and preview this month’s ESO Plus-exclusive items below!
Exclusive Free Items
Pride of Alkosh Hero Statuette
A miniature statue of a hero of the Pride of Alkosh, standing triumphantly over her foe. Make this stunning piece of art your own today!
The Pride of Alkosh Hero Statuette will be available in the Crown Store FREE, exclusively to ESO Plus Members on all platforms for a limited time, from January 2 to February 6 at 10am EST.
Prize-Hunter’s Patch
Had your eye on the prize a bit too much, eh? Well, cover up that wound with this stylish patch.
The Prize-Hunter’s Patch will be available in the Crown Store for a limited time on all platforms, from January 9 to January 13 at 10am EST.
Dragon Warrior
Tales have come down to us from the legendary time of the Dragons, when it was said that some Nords were born with actual Dragon blood in their veins, and were called something like Kyne’s Doves, or Dove-Kin. Now you can wear the look of these legendary Dragon Warriors, horned helm and all!
The Dragon Warrior costume will return to the Crown Store for a limited time on all platforms, from January 16 to January 22 at 10am EST. ESO Plus members will receive a discount on this item.
Nord Hero Armor
This costume pays tribute to a legendary Nord warrior of the Ebonheart Pact. Now you can honor this nameless hero of the Alliance War by adopting his savage appearance. Cyrodiil enemies, beware.
The Nord Hero Armor costume will return to the Crown Store for a limited time on all platforms, from January 16 to January 22 at 10am EST. ESO Plus members will receive a discount on this item.
Star-Made Wolfshead
Even if your background isn’t Imperial, if you admire history’s greatest warriors, you’ll want to honor Pelinal Whitestrake with this costume from Midyear Mayhem, the celebration that commemorates his deeds.
The Star-Made Wolfshead costume will return to the Crown Store for a limited time on all platforms during the Midyear Mayhem event in January. ESO Plus members will receive a discount on this item.
Midyear Mayhem Crowns Pack
This bundle includes all three Imperial crowns celebrating the Midyear Mayhem event: the Star-Made Circlet, the Star-Made Sword Coronet, and the Star-Made Diamond Diadem.
The Midyear Mayhem Crowns Pack will return to the Crown Store for a limited time on all platforms during the Midyear Mayhem event in January. ESO Plus members will receive a discount on this item.
Stags of Z’en Crafting Motif
“We Stags exact punishment for transgression and wickedness, seeking payment in kind. We claim that payment in blood. Z’en, god of toil and vengeance, demands nothing less.”—Gwaerelos, Greenblessed Master of Arms, Elden Root
The Stags of Z’en Crafting Motif will be available in the Crown Store on all platforms starting on January 22. This Crafting Motif will also be available in game starting on January 22. The Stags of Z’en Motif Chapters have a chance to drop in the Lair of Maarselok Dungeon by defeating the final boss, Maarselok (guaranteed drop for completing Veteran-Hardmode).
Outfit Styles
Black Kiergo Brigand Style Pack
As Caska can tell you, in the den of cutthroats called Black Kiergo, the greater the risk you take, the greater the reward you gain. They don’t let just anyone in—but your chances increase if you look like you belong. Now you can alter your armor’s appearance by using this complete set of Black Kiergo Brigand Outfit styles.
The Black Kiergo Brigand Style Pack will be available in the Crown Store on all platforms for a limited time, from January 2 to January 6 at 10am EST. It includes Black Kiergo Brigand armor Outfit Styles and an Outfit Change Token.
Crown Crates
Scalecaller Crown Crates
A mystery collection of Scalecaller-related items!
The Scalecaller Crown Crates will return to the Crown Store for a limited time on all platforms from January 16 to January 22 at 10am EST.
Event Ticket
A ticket used to purchase rare goods from The Impresario, Event Merchant. Curious as to what goods? Well, chat with her to see what she has to offer!
Single Event Tickets will be available in the Crown Store on all platforms during the Midyear Mayhem and Undaunted Celebration events in January. Stay tuned for details!
Event Tickets are also giftable to other players from within the Crown Store.
Abnur Tharn Bust
Experience the wisdom of Abnur Tharn within your very own home with this talking bust! Display this noble piece of statuary in a place of prominence so that you and every houseguest may listen intently to the former Grand Chancellor.
The Abnur Tharn Bust will be available in the Crown Store on all platforms for a limited time from January 2 to January 6 at 10am EST.
Diamond Melody Music Box
When activated, plays a music box composition of the traditional Imperial song “Chim-el Adabal.”
The Diamond Melody Music Box will be available in the Crown Store for a limited time on all platforms during the Midyear Mayhem event in January. Stay tuned for details!
Kaalgrontiid’s Ascent Statue
This statue of the mighty Dragon Kaalgrontiid shows him ascending majestically and breathing flame, frost, lightning, and even aeonfire from his position of dominance.
The Kaalgrontiid’s Ascent Statue will be available in the Crown Store on all platforms for a limited time, from January 30 to February 4 at 10am EST.
Elinhir Private Arena
Pit Fighting promoter Crottus “Thumbs-Down” Lycus built this private arena atop the haunted ruins of Molavar because the land was cheap, and what could go wrong? He vanished mysteriously some time ago, and now his unique Arena Home is back on the market.
The Elinhir Private Arena will return to the Crown Store for a limited time on all platforms during the Midyear Mayhem event in January. This house will be available in furnished and unfurnished versions.
Scorched Alley Howler
Taken from the crime-ridden back streets of Senchal and raised by scavengers, this mount lost an eye while defending its rider from pursuing guards. Now wearing a patch, the Howler is an ideal mount for doers of deadly deeds.
The Scorched Alley Howler will be available in the Crown Store on all platforms for a limited time, from January 9 to January 13 at 10am EST.
Legion Zero Destrier
By forcing their steeds to consume the Blood of Coldharbour, the traitorous soldiers of Legion Zero created a war horse unlike any other. Adorned with fearsome barding and their sullen red colors, this is truly a mount to be feared.
The Legion Zero Destrier will be available in the Crown Store for a limited time on all platforms during the Midyear Mayhem event in January. Stay tuned for details!
You’ve braved dangerous waters and seedy back-alleys. Now, on land or sea, your telltale swagger marks you as someone who’s comfortable in all manner of deadly environments!
The Swashbuckler personality will be available in the Crown Store on all platforms for a limited time, from January 9 to January 13 at 10am EST.
With these pirate-themed items sailing into the Crown Store this January, you’ll be the most-feared corsair in Tamriel! Don’t forget to check out what is currently on sale on the Crown Store page and stock up on Crowns from the Buy Crowns page if you want to add these items to your treasure chest!
Are you planning to pick up any of the January Crown Store items? Let us know via @TESOnline, Instagram, and Facebook!