Futerko has crafted an incredible Fallout vault from the classic series using ESO’s Homestead system. Learn about her inspirations and process in this new Community Spotlight! 

Tell us about yourself! How long have you been playing ESO? 

Behind the nickname “Futerko” is an ordinary girl. I first started my adventure with ESO from early beta, when my boyfriend convinced me to try out the game. After the Homestead patch, I was hooked!  

What inspired you to begin building homes so different from those typically found in Tamriel?   

The story of Hansel and Gretel from the Grimm Brothers inspired the first house that I built outside of ESO lore. This house was a lot of fun to build, and when I made a video for it, I was so happy with the result that it inspired various later houses like the ones from Fallout or the Wild West.

You’ve created a bunch of amazing themed homes using ESO’s Housing Editor. Why was Fallout next?

Besides ESO, some of my great loves are the post-apocalyptic and sci-fi settings. In addition, I have always loved the universe of Fallout. Recently that love manifested itself with my listening to the soundtracks of this game, which finally inspired me to build a post-apocalyptic themed house.

Once you had your plan, how long did it take to build a home like the Fallout vault?  

Well, it varies. Sometimes it takes me a few days to build (my record is one day for the Smurf’s Village), but I also have houses that are undergoing endless construction.

Concerning the Fallout house itself, it took me around six days to build everything and make the video. The most time-consuming part was actually the Eyebot. For a moment, I was thinking of giving up on building it, but I thought it’s too iconic a piece of the Fallout series, so I had to at least try to make it happen.

Were there any unique furnishings that were vital to making this Fallout-themed house look just right? How did you get them? 

Because the Housing Editor allows me to take existing furniture and turn it into something completely different, I think that each item can be regarded as unique in its own way. Even a basic item like a metal mug—it may seem small and insignificant, but it’s not about what it is, it’s about what it can become.

I craft the majority of the furniture by myself, or I ask for help in the nicest guild that I have ever met, Aetherius Art.

In addition to the vault and environment, you also built a custom Fallout Eyebot and Mr. Gutsy, too! How challenging were they to construct?  

While building them I spent a lot of time mainly testing various items that could be suitable. I discovered that the aforementioned metal mug is a great base for Eyebot, so I used the “Redguard Cup, Empty” nine times for the middle part and then mixed them with a “Common Cleaver, Cooking” turned sideways. I partially hid their wooden handles in cups, giving me the perfect start to build the rest. The biggest challenge in building the Eyebot was antennas, and after many attempts, I thought that maybe a knife or fork would be a good idea, and it was!

For Mister Gutsy, his shape was much easier to reproduce than the Eyebot, and I can say that if anyone is looking for a nice robot eye, check out “Clockwork Cup, Recycled Water.”

What has the reception been to this latest build?

When I published the house, I was nervous at first, then quite anxious until I finally read the comments. It was a huge relief because I didn’t expect such a positive reception. 🙂

Do you have any advice for anybody just starting out with the Homestead system?

I think it’s a good idea to join one of the many Homestead-themed guilds or dedicated groups on Discord. Why am I mentioning this? Because the housing community is the nicest and most helpful one I have ever met in video games, so if you’re looking somewhere for advice about building, it’s right there!

Where can we find more of your work? 

You can find me on YouTube where I post my houses and ESO outfits, or on Twitter, and of course in the game itself on the PC EU server!

Thank you to Futerko for taking the time to showcase her amazing new home and answer some of our questions. If you’ve crafted or enjoyed something ESO-related that you think the community would love, share it with us @TESOnlineInstagram, or Facebook!